Natural Remedies to Control Oily Skin

It can be difficult to have oily skin, especially when it causes breakouts and acne, glossy skin, or a greasy feeling. While hormone fluctuations, stress, and environmental factors can also cause oily skin, heredity is the main cause of it. Fortunately, there are natural treatments for controlling oily skin. In comparison to items made of chemicals, these natural remedies offer a more delicate approach. Here, we'll talk about a few of these organic treatments for oily skin.

natural remedies for controlling oily skin

Aloe Vera

The advantages of aloe vera for skin care and health are widely established. Since it possesses anti-inflammatory and high antioxidant effects, it is fantastic for calming the skin. Additionally, the herb has astringent qualities that can aid in constricting pores and clear them of extra sebum and impurities.

How do you utilise it? Simply take some fresh aloe vera gel out of a leaf, put it on your face, and let it sit there for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. For added benefit, you can also mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with the aloe vera gel.


Due to its inherent antibacterial and antiseptic qualities, honey has been used in cosmetics and skincare for millennia. It not only keeps acne at bay but also moisturises the skin without making it oily.

Put some raw honey on your face and allow it to air dry. Use warm water to wash it off. Your skin will appear considerably softer, feel renewed, and have less oil.

oily skincare routine with honey, home remedies


You can use cucumbers for more than simply salads and your eyes. They are excellent for oily skin since they are rich in potassium, water, and vitamins A and E. Cucumber's inherent cooling and astringent qualities can soothe the skin and assist to lessen oiliness.

Consider slicing a fresh cucumber and gently massaging it over your face. It is possible to apply it at night and remove it in the morning.

cucumber for oily skincare


Because tomatoes are high in vitamin C and naturally occuring oil-absorbing acids, they help control excessive sebum production and maintain healthy skin.

Simply slice a tomato in half, then rub the skin over your face. 15 minutes should be allowed for the juice to settle on your skin before rinsing it off with cold water. You can apply it as a mask by combining a tiny bit of tomato juice with a teaspoon of honey for a stronger impact.

homemade skincare remedies oily skincare


By absorbing extra oil and aiding in the exfoliation of dead skin cells, oatmeal is a miracle worker for oily skin. Additionally, its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics can aid in treating dry skin and removing dead skin cells.

To make a face mask, combine some yoghurt, honey, and oatmeal. Apply it to your face, and then rinse it off with warm water after 10 to 15 minutes.

daily skincare routine for oily skin using home remedies

To conclude, going the chemical route isn't always necessary to manage oily skin. Instead, look to your kitchen for all-natural remedies that work. But remember that everyone has various skin types, so what suits one person may not suit another. In order to ensure that you won't experience an adverse reaction, always test these treatments on a small patch of skin first.

Remember that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is just as important as using these natural solutions to manage oily skin. Skin health is greatly influenced by a healthy diet, enough sleep, and frequent exercise. Keep yourself hydrated, limit your intake of fatty meals, and stay away from harsh skincare products that can deplete your skin's natural oils and cause an excess of sebum to be produced.

Finally, it is advised to see a dermatologist for more support and possible treatment options if your oily skin persists or you encounter severe acne breakouts. Although they are unlikely to recommend sticking with natural ingredients.


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